Avg Rating: 4.7

Zed Sheng Vital Stats:
Height:  5' 6"
Video:  iFw5DxcUHU0

Hello to my new friends at PeterFever! I'm Zed Sheng, a new transplant to the US from Singapore. I came here to study ten years ago, and I learned a few things, you might say. Especially from my husband, porn model Thiktool. I'm his boi, Toolboi (my online alias)! I love a bit of kink and fetish, especially bondage. I got a taste of it when I was young, getting wildly turned on watching the Hong Kong gangster films where the handsome hero would be tied up and struggling against a tangle of thick ropes. But there's more to me than just that, and I look forward to your getting a chance to know me.

Zed Sheng Updates

15 min of video


Kcarr007 Posted On 24 Sep 2023
so hot