Avg Rating: 4.6

Kai Cho Vital Stats:
Height:  5'7"
Age:  24
Dick Size:  7.5"
Astrological Sign:  Leo
Video:  EqRYYkR-IjM

Hey guys I'm Kai Cho! I'm from the east coast, I'm 24 years old, and let's just say I'm a Leo. Blame it on the Zodiac sign for my personality! If you'd like to know, I'm also majoring in Accounting, so if you guys got any numbers, send them over. I'm a gay vers bottom and I love one thing: big dick! You can call me a size queen, but I treat all dicks fairly. You can follow me on Instagram at Asian_boggle and be sure to stay tuned to PeterFever to watch me fulfill my fantasies and lots more of my hot and juicy XXX videos! Please be sure to like and comment on my videos if you like me so the Producers know to bring me back.

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15 min of video