Avg Rating: 4.8

Kouya Vital Stats:
Height:  5'7"
Age:  24
Dick Size:  6.5"

Hi to my American friends and PeterFever fans around the world. I come to you from Peterfever East in Japan, and I hope I challenge some of the silly stereotypes about Asian models being quiet, submissive and middle-of-the-road when it comes to our personal style. I'm on the edgy side with bleached blond hair, and I'm proud to be an aggressive bottom. Are you man enough to take me on? Cool, let's hit the sheets!

Kouya Updates

21 min of video
20 min of video


win1866 Posted On 10 Feb 2023
Lean and hairless from his neck to his toes. Ya can't get much better than that. Scores 5/5