Avg Rating: 4.8

Drew Bacchae Vital Stats:
Height:  5'5"
Age:  29
Fun Fact:  Fearing them as a child, my first tattoo would be a werewolf on my right shoulder-blade.
Astrological Sign:  Libra

Drew Bacchae came out at the age 17 in the Montrose area of Houston, TX. He ripened with the discovery of gay sex, pornography, the disco tech, and later came to blossom as an exhibitionist.Beginning his day with a morning speedo bulge, Drew continues to train for a biathlon in Vallejo, CA. Drew is a cross country runner of 15 years and former college rock-climbing instructor. After warming up, Drew enjoys being coached into the proper position.

Drew toes a line between seduction and submission as he joins the masculine mystic of the adult industry. Swallowing an insatiable appetite for sedition, Drew Bacchae spreads wide for his fans. And the loads are getting bigger, longer, and better each time.

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